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Simple Tips to Better Hearing

by Kimberly Johnson
Simple Tips to Better Hearing

Staying socially active and engaged with friends and family is important as people age, and hearing well is crucial to making that happen. New research shows that hearing loss is associated not only with a range of physical problems, but also mental health problems such as social isolation and even dementia. Four Simple Tips to Better Hearing
Simple Tips to Better HearingWhen a person cannot hear well, activities they used to enjoy – meals with friends, social events and worship services – become challenges. People can then become frustrated, skip social opportunities and potentially become socially isolated, which increases the risk of mental health issues. By contrast, people who seek treatment for hearing loss report significant improvements in relationships, self-esteem, overall quality of life, mental health and safety.
Studies show that people wait an average of seven years before getting their hearing checked and treated, which often means they may miss out on important life events with friends and family as their hearing worsens. Simple Tips to Better Hearing
Hearing is similar to a muscle; if you don’t use it, you could lose it. When hearing loss is left untreated, the nerves that carry sound from the ear to the brain can atrophy. The longer this occurs, the harder it is for people to understand speech, and treatment can becomes less effective.

4 Simple Tips for better hearing: Four Simple Tips to Better Hearing

1. Talk to your doctor and schedule a hearing test. Common signs of hearing loss include turning up the volume on the TV or radio to levels that others find too loud, having trouble hearing people on the phone, and difficulty following conversations in noisy environments. Four Simple Tips to Better Hearing
2. Limit exposure to loud noises. People should limit their exposure to loud sounds, such as music, lawn mowers or motorcycles, to no more than 20 minutes at a time. Consider wearing hearing protection when attending concerts or sporting events. Studies have shown that consistent exposure to loud sounds above 100 decibels, as compared to a normal conversation of 60 decibels, can permanently affect hearing.
3. Use effective communication strategies. People with hearing loss should use effective communication strategies and choose settings that are “hearing friendly.” For example, people with hearing loss should opt for restaurants that are relatively quiet and go at times that are less busy. Another strategy is to select a table along a wall or in a corner, which will reduce background noise. During conversations, watch lip movements, facial expressions and body language, all of which give important information about the speaker’s message.
4. Engage with family and friends. Hearing loss affects individuals, their families and their friends. It is important to discuss hearing loss together, providing support and encouragement for people experiencing hearing loss. When speaking with someone with hearing loss, make sure you face them and avoid covering your mouth while speaking. Also, it is important to avoid speaking too quickly.
For the 48 million Americans with hearing loss, now is the ideal time for treatment. For others, following the above tips can help people maintain their hearing health and help those with hearing loss live fuller, healthier lives. Check out Senior.com Hearing Aids as one solution to hearing health!
Simple Tips to Better Hearing

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