Clay Shooting still retains many phrases from its historical “Live Bird Shooting” past when real birds, such as pigeons, where released from a trap positioned in front of a shooter (records date back to 1831). This later developed into shooting Glass Balls filled with powder or feathers in an attempt to equalise the standard of targets and make the competition uniform.
Clay Pigeon Shooting is a sport that´s brilliant for a leisure activity and hobby or training before hunting season to keep up one´s game. With its roots in English culture, it is an exciting sport to take up and to appreciate for its skills of aiming. Read on to learn the basic tips for those just starting out and some interesting facts about the history and the equipment which will make you a more knowledgeable Clay Pigeon Shooter.
When learning how to shoot, the most important things to keep in mind are body position and stance, how you hold the gun and aiming.
One of the biggest tips ever, is to use your more dominent eye! No matter what NOTHING matters unless you use your dominent eye, because it is visually more prepared than the other and that helps with your aim!
The trick to hitting your clay comes down to two main and omportant things – your positioning and not, i repeat NOT delaying your shot! Your instructor will give you hints for a good starting position at your particular venue.
You should visually and physically (with your gun i mean) follow the clay as it comes out of the trap. Keeping your eye down the barrel of the gun, be sure to keep the bead at the end of your gun inline – resist the temptation to just follow the clay with your eyes…the barrels must follow your line of sight. Just as the clay disappears out of sight below or across your sight, squeeze the trigger (this should help you come closer to making an accurate shot). Another important tip is to shoot at the clay pigeon as it’s rising. Once it starts to fall, bide your time and wait for another clay to be released.
While going clay pigeon shooting just do not forget these main tips! Good luck, you’ll love it!
Clay Pigeon Shooting
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