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Understand Mobile Device Forensics

by Jeff Dailey
Fun Apps for Elders

Hold the Phone: What You Should Know About Mobile Device Forensics

When we think of detective work, we typically think of law enforcement officials tracing fingertips or other pieces of physical evidence. But forensic evidence has moved into a new frontier, thanks to the advent of technology.

Nearly all adults have a cell phone—but they’re not all the same device, and they don’t all operate the same either. Add in other smart devices, such as smartphones and tablets, and many households have multiple avenues to gather and store data. And that data goes well beyond what’s currently stored on the device. There are contacts, photos, texts, and more—even external storage as well as storage that lives in the cloud, or online.

Many people use their smart devices for more than just personal use—they often use it for business purposes, too. And with more use comes the possibility for more involvement in crimes, from terrorism to extortion and sports betting. In fact, nearly all crimes involve the use of a device, according to some estimates.

The rapid evolution of digital technology means that the law is also constantly changing as it relates to potential evidence on our smart devices. Some standards hold true: If you allow the police to do a search, they don’t need a warrant for your mobile pieces. But courts differ in their approach, especially in the legality of search and uses for cell phones. And law enforcement can often work with phone providers to retrieve data—although it’s often difficult for them to keep up with the hardware, software, and other updates related to smart devices.

It’s best to think about information on our phones as possible evidence for law enforcement. And although the ground is shifting beneath our feet as it relates to legal precedence, this graphic can help sort out where things stand now. Understand Mobile Device Forensics

Understand Mobile Device Forensics
Impact of Mobile Device Forensics

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