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Simple Strategies for Caregivers to Practice Self-Care

by Kathy Macaraeg
Simple Strategies for Caregivers to Practice Self-Care

Caregivers have a difficult time getting away from caregiving to take a vacation or even a spa day. However, it is critical to a caregiver’s well-being to take time for themselves and practice self-care. So, how can you work self-care into your life to preserve your well-being? I’ve rounded up 20 easy self-care activities you can do at home that take less than 20 minutes.

While you may think, I can’t even take 20 minutes for myself, remember, it is crucial to your health that you take time for self-care. It isn’t selfish to practice self-care, it is necessary.

When you don’t set aside time for self-care, it can adversely affect your health. Living with constant stress can cause a number of health issues from obesity to gastrointestinal problems and heart disease. So no matter how much you have on your plate, squeezing in time to care for yourself benefits you now and in the future.

Simple Self-Care for Caregivers

If you have been taking care of other people for so long that you don’t even know how to start practicing self-care, here are some simple things you can do at home. I promise, they don’t take a lot of time or cost a lot of money so anyone can fit them in to their busy lives.

  1. Drink a hot cup of tea, alone, in silence.
  2. Keep a gratitude journal and write three things you are grateful for at the end of each day. (If you’re struggling to come up with things, here are some givens: You woke up today, your caree woke up today, someone in the world loves you).
  3. Create a music playlist of your 5 favorite songs and play it either in the morning to get pumped for the day or at the end of the day to relax. If that is too much work, download the (free) Pandora or Spotify app and find a relaxing station to listen to before bed. My favorite is the Spa station on Pandora.
  4. Look through old photos (either in an album or on your phone) to reminisce about happy times.
  5. Do some feel-good personal grooming – paint your fingernails, file your nails and put lotion on your arms, hands and feet or do a face mask or deep hair condition.
  6. Read a magazine, book or short story.
  7. Watch a YouTube video – pick a few funny videos, a TED talk or a meditative video.
  8. Pick up a coloring book, colored pencils and get to work on this soothing activity.
  9. Take a 20 minute nap.
  10. Do a crossword puzzle or play a game of Solitaire or an online game like Candy Crush or Chess.
  11. Write a letter to your caree or a friend.
  12. Read quotes by Rumi.
  13. Take a long, hot shower or bath.
  14. Sit in silence and just breathe for 5 minutes.
  15. Bake yourself an individual treat like a microwave mug cake (you can find recipes on Pinterest or through Google).
  16. Try progressive muscle relaxation.
  17. Have a private dance party.
  18. Clear out some clutter or make a clean space to feel less chaotic
  19. Make a list of books to read, movies to watch or places you want to visit.
  20. Get yourself organized – make a to do list or figure out how to accomplish a major project.

Taking just a few minutes for yourself at home will make a big impact on your health and well-being, so go ahead, be a little selfish a few times a week. Simple Strategies for Caregivers to Practice Self-Care

Simple Strategies for Caregivers to Practice Self-Care

Simple Strategies for Caregivers to Practice Self-Care Simple Strategies for Caregivers to Practice Self-Care Simple Strategies for Caregivers to Practice Self-Care Simple Strategies for Caregivers to Practice Self-Care Simple Strategies for Caregivers to Practice Self-Care Simple Strategies for Caregivers to Practice Self-Care Simple Strategies for Caregivers to Practice Self-Care

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