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Most Common Relationship Problems

by Jeff Dailey
Most Common Relationship Problems

10 of the Most Common Relationship Problems

Relationships are not easy. It takes hard work from both people to make one work. Even when working hard at a relationship, some issues are faced by most couples. The following are some of those common relationship problems, so you can prepare yourself. Most Common Relationship Problems

#1: Affair – Infidelity

Emotional, physical, and even financial infidelity happens in relationships for many reasons. While many relationships end because of this problem, some couples are able to recover from it. Recovering from it takes time and a lot of work from both people.

#2: Sexual Problems

Men and women who spend many years together often go through this problem once or twice. Libido can wax and wane throughout the relationship. Getting through it means being open and honest with your partner.

#3: Differences in Core Values and Beliefs

No two people are the same. Values and beliefs can be different, and they can change over time, causing many problems in the relationship. Being able to respect one another is a good way to approach this common relationship problem.

#4: Traumatic Event

When something traumatic happens in life, the consequences can be devastating for a relationship. Life changes because of the event, and that causes people to change at a deep level. Many couples can come out of traumatic events stronger than ever, while others find it’s better to separate.

#5: Boredom

The monotony of a relationship causes boredom. It’s important to keep the excitement in a relationship by introducing new activities into it. Spending time together is also important, since many people lead busy lives.

#6: Family Issues

Families can become a huge burden on a relationship. What’s important to remember is that a relationship does not have to include extended family. Extended family is only included as much as you allow it.

#7: Unrealistic Expectations

When expectations are set too high in a relationship, there’s often disappointment. It’s important to understand your partner and discuss issues that come up, so there are no expectations that may not be met.

#8: Addiction

Addiction plagues many couples. Getting through the addiction depends on the willingness of the addict getting help.

#9: Minimal Support

Support is so important in a relationship. Being there for your partner providing encouragement can do wonders for the love couples feel between one another.

#10: Parental Disagreements

This is one of the most common relationship problems with couples who have children. Sometimes, parents won’t agree on what to do in a particular situation, and that can cause tension between them. Many parents can get through it easily, while others struggle for a long time.

Do You Need Help with these Common Relationship Problems?

If you need help with these common relationship problems, contact Kendall Van Blarcom. He can help you by listening to your problems, providing advice, and guidance, so you can solve the issues in your relationship.
Learn more about personal consulting by Kendall Van Blarcom here.

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