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10 Mantras for Dementia Care Providers

by Richard Bitner

Providing dementia care for a family member is rarely easy. But it gets easier if you regularly remind yourself about positive aspects of caregiving. The following eleven mantras for dementia care providers offer needed perspective to family caregivers and professional care providers alike. 10 Mantras for Dementia Care Providers

  1. “I Am Creating Positive Change.”

Caregivers sometimes feel like nothing they do is really making a difference. During tough moments, it can be hard to see the positive impact that you’re having on your loved one’s life. It pays to remind yourself how much tougher those moments could be without your presence.

  1. Quality of Lifeand Quality of CognitionAren’t the Same Thing.”

When a loved one starts to lose their cognitive abilities to dementia, it can be easy to confuse this with a loss of quality of life. While the two are linked, it is still possible to live a happy, comfortable, and meaningful life in the face of a dementia diagnosis. As a caregiver, it’s important not to lose sight of this distinction.

  1. “My Loved One Needs Affirmation, Not Correction.”

Even experienced caregivers can sometimes fall for the trap of trying to correct or argue with someone suffering from dementia. When your loved one is confused, remind yourself that trying to correct them will only make things more confusing. By affirming their experience — even if it’s mistaken — you will help them feel more comfortable, at ease, and secure.

  1. “Caregiving Missteps Are Learning Opportunities.”

No one has ever provided care for a loved one without making missteps along the way, especially when caring for someone with an illness as complicated as dementia. Remember that mistakes almost always present an opportunity to learn and become a better caregiver.

  1. “There’s Nothing Wrong with Asking for Help.”

Caregivers often take the weight of the world onto their shoulders, feeling like it’s their responsibility to bear the burden. At a certain point, we all need to recognize that we need help from others. That might be from family. It might be from friends. It might be from professional dementia careproviders. No matter who it’s from, it’s crucial that you allow yourself to ask for help when it’s needed.

  1. “Self-Care Is an Essential Part of Caregiving.”

As a caregiver, any moment you spend on your own well-being can feel like an indulgence. “How can I be focused on myself when my loved one’s care needs are so much greater than my own?” But without taking care of yourself, you won’t be able to adequately care for your loved one. And remember: caregiving isn’t supposed to be a case of trading your quality of life for your loved one’s.

  1. “There’s Always Something New for Me to Learn.”

The learning curve never truly ends when you’re providing dementia care for a loved one. Whether you’re learning from other caregivers at a local support group, acquiring information from medical professionals, or taking part in an online community like The Caregiver’s Voice, there are always new perspectives and new information for you to learn.

  1. “Routine and Structure Shouldn’t Be Taken for Granted.”

Routine, structure, and familiarity can be crucial to those coping with dementia. Familiar surroundings offer comfort and security, helping those with dementia manage moments of stress and anxiety. Caregiver’s shouldn’t underrate how important a familiar routine can be to their own lives. Creating a stable routine gives you much less to worry about, allowing you to focus on care responsibilities.

  1. “There’s No Such Thing as The Perfect Caregiver.”

When a loved one’s well-being is in your hands, it’s easy to expect perfection from yourself. But there’s no such thing as the perfect caregiver, and caring for someone with a memory disorder will put you in situations where there’s no perfect solution.

  1. “I’m Not Alone.”

Memory disorders create confusion and disorientation for those with dementia and their caregivers. When caring for a loved one with dementia, it’s common to feel lost and alone. But there are millions of people who are in your shoes or who have walked miles in them at some point in their lives.
10 Mantras for Dementia Care Providers
10 Mantras for Dementia Care Providers 10 Mantras for Dementia Care Providers 10 Mantras for Dementia Care Providers 10 Mantras for Dementia Care Providers 10 Mantras for Dementia Care Providers 10 Mantras for Dementia Care Providers 10 Mantras for Dementia Care Providers

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